
For a day trip out of Tbilisi yesterday I headed about 25 minutes west to Mtskheta - perhaps the spiritual heart of Georgia and of Christianity in the country. Most kings of Georgia chose Mtskheta as their capital. Today it's one Georgia's three UNESCO world heritage sites. That said, you've got to come prepared with some our your own notes as there's little in the way of help for tourists - except souvenir shops. I walked into the Mtskheta Museum hoping to see some of the antiquities that have been found in local excavations. At first I thought the museum was deserted as no one was around and there was no exhibit. After about ten minutes I heard some music in an office and found two staff members. Alas, they told me it's officially closed and couldn't provide me with more information. Opposite the museum at the Samtarvo Church, black robed nuns dispatched a local girl to talk to me in English. She said the best thing to see is the nearby 11th century Sveti-Tskhoveli Cathedral (top photo). Very impressive and according to legend it's where the robe of Christ is buried. The Cathedral is in the centre of town and many homes are literally opposite the outer defensive wall. Renovation work is in progress at both churches, and one assumes that means either the Church, state or UNESCO are providing some funds for preservation.
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